Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Simple Minded

I sent a joke e-mail to my sister and she replied that all men are simple minded. This particular joke was about the difference between men and women, which I thought really hit the nail on the head for the most part. I took it that she especially meant me as compared to all men being simple minded. Well, at first I took offense at the statement, but as I think about it I suppose I am pretty simple minded. Let me explain, first I don't like any turmoil in my life, simple truly fits the way I live. I don't have a large house, to most people it is too small, again a simple home. I don't have to drive a new car every year or two or even every 5, I drive a vehicle till it won't drive anymore, my truck is simply my only mode of transportation. My extended family, all the kids and their kids are also pretty simple, honest and hard workers, no criminals just plain simple good American families. I came from just such a family, my father was a very simple man coming from a simple hard working mother and father. His father was a very strict man, that left home a the age of 13 and worked driving cattle. He worked in the Oklahoma Territory punching cattle with the likes of Will Rogers, truly the most simple down to earth of men of our time. My father learned a lot from his father, as I learned from him. Lead a simple life and be an honest hard working citizen. I hope my children have learned this from me, and I believe they have. I married a wonderful yet very simple, honest and family loving lady. She too comes form a very simple down to earth family. So, I guess if you want to call me simple, go ahead and I will take it as a compliment.

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