Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here it is, 2:30 AM and I am writing my blog. Why? I wish I knew. I went to bed at 11 PM and went right to sleep, then at 12:45 I heard the bathroom calling so I went to investigate. When I tried to get back to sleep, I started thinking about all sorts of unimportant stuff and could not relax, so I got up and worked on pictures for our new digital picture frame we got form our kids at Christmas. It is obvious after loading them in the frame, that I don't know much about what I am doing there either. They are all turned right, but just don't look very good. I guess I will have to read the book....SCREAM.

I think I will go back to the throne room and then eat some toast and try to go to bed again. We have to be up by 0830 so we can go to coffee. Boy, do we lead a loaded life or what?

Of course, my lovely wife is sleeping like a baby. How sweet that would be. I guess it is a good thing she sleeps so good or I would be in more trouble than I already am..... So, GOOD NIGHT, AGAIN!!!!

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